Important Messages

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Hi everyone

We'd like to introduce Angel, our Retail Manager!

She's a real spunky one with a heart of gold for animals, especially dogs. Angel's also started a spin-off blog her about experiences and she's also promised to post photos and updates. Go to for a peak.

Do come say "Hi!" or "Woof" or "Meow" to Angel! See you all at Woofy's Corner soon.


Yours paw-pally

Thursday, May 6, 2010

May 2010 Promo: Pamper Me Please?

Hi everyone

This May, we're offering 10% discount for all regular-priced items above S$35.00 and above. In addition, you'll get S$5.00 off all grooming sessions too.

Do drop by 27 Lowland Road or call us at 62846093 for more details.


Yours paw-pally

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Wanted: Professional Pet Groomer / Stylist

Hey everyone!

We're looking for a full-time professional groomer!

If you're interested or know of anyone who's keen, please ask them to contact Vincent at 96832469 or drop us a quick email:



Yours paw-pally