Here's a photo of our very last puppy, Lovely Layla.
The picture was just taken during the weekend. She's currently 2 months old. (D.O.B. 23 May 2009)
Layla is a mild-tempered, peace-loving, sweet and gentle dog.
When all the six puppies were together, and a fight broke out (usually started by her brothers with the main culprit being Winsome Whiskey), Layla would pad quietly off to a corner, lie down and ignore the scuffles.
Yes, she's definitely a lover, not a fighter!
Layla's the perfect puppy for a family who's looking for a non-aggressive, loyal companion and pet. She's also familiar with young children too, since the Boss has three girls aged 7,4,1 respectively.
Although we'll be sad to see Layla go, we do want her to find her a good home with a responsible owner who'll attend to her needs and take good care of her.
So if Layla fits your ideal description of a pet, don't hesitate to give Vincent a tinkle at 96832469!